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These weekly somatic practice circles look at rewiring our brain through movement practices, connecting to plant wisdom, and uncovering ancestral and animist ways of resourcing which are always present within our individual, collective, and historical bodies. These circles are an emergent process of inquiry into our personal and collective ways of being in the world in an effort to decolonise our pan-activist culture-building praxis. 


ginhawa is a Bisaya word that points us to the breath of life and reminds us of our aliveness, even in the worst of times. How we breathe is an indication of our physical, emotional, cognitive, social, spiritual, and collective health; whole, integrated. By engaging with an integrated self, we are building and enlivening our embodied knowledge to identify creative solutions to our problems, see the world differently, and meet our decolonised selves.


We will be learning to:

  • dwell in place

  • integrate the natural cycles of the season

  • regulate our nervous system

  • embody ecosystemic perspectives

  • utilise ancestral medicine

  • practice kapwa kinship with human n non-human beings


Immerse yourself in the varying perspectives and approaches delivered by all three facilitars; Nawa, Argo and Ami.

Ginhawa Circles Pack with Nawa, Argo & Ami

$420.00 Regular Price
$105.00Sale Price
  • You will receive a PDF file containing links to all 12x sessions on vimeo, where it is available to stream or download.

  • You will receive 12x somatic practice sessions. Each session is upto 1 hour and 15 minutes in length and utilises auto-close captioning.

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